A Multi-level Sketch-based Interface
for Decorative Pattern Exploration

SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Technical Brief

Yilan Chen, Hongbo Fu, Kin Chung Au


Despite the extensive usage of decorative patterns in art and design, there is a lack of intuitive ways to find a certain type of patterns. We present a multi-level sketch-based interface that allows users to sketch in multiple levels (Left) for decorative pattern exploration (Right: top-7 retrieved results). Our key idea is to disentangle the low-level geometrical features and high-level structural features of patterns and define different tools for users to specify a hybrid search query. The results of a pilot study show that users are able to perform pattern retrieval tasks using our system easily and effectively.



We thank the reviewers for their constructive comments, the user study participants for their time. We are grateful to Pixabay and Flickr for their rich resources of decorative patterns. The work described in this paper was partially supported by grants from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. CityU113513, CityU11204014).